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Posts posted by jerry

  1. put on a pair of coveralls, eye goggles and chemical resistant gloves.

    get a WIDE pan (i use a plastic drawer liner i have on hand), a big stiff brush and some mineral spirits. have a bunch of rags on hand.

    it's messy, but it works for me. nice to have a creeper too.

  2. i rebuilt my late 71 Malaga car stock including returning the single barrel solex carburetor.

    the trunk had a pair of new Boge struts in it when i bought the car so i used them. on the few times i've driven the car so far, it's been a lot of fun. it's easy to slide around corners and will lean a bit more due to the stock sway bars, i believe. it's a different feel from the 75 i had with LS differential, thicker rear swaybar and slightly wider tires.

  3. my father was born and raised in san francisco and always referred to it as "frisco". his father worked the railroads in that town and brewed bathtub gin during prohibition.

    when i was growing up, san francisco was actually pronounced

    san fruncisco, and to my knowledge, still is by people of a certain age.

    but we digress. it's still a good 02 driving town.




    i need some quiet time right now

    saw this posting on CL a moment ago. thanks for offering it up to the community. i hope it saves a few more 02's or better yet, sees another day.

    good thing it's not closer to me..... just kidding,.... i think

  5. hey armond looks like we've been "outed"....

    what's up. you could have called me on the 'bat-phone'.

    never mind about spilling raw sewage into the bay. G-Damn county bureaucrats are demanding i do an environmental assessment regarding dumping rainwater runoff into a creek that dumps into the bay.

    i can't imagine they'd find anything other than water and deer piss in it. for the amount of money it would take me to complete ALL their bureaucratic BS requirements, i could buy SEVERAL very nice BMW 02tii's (requisite 02 content, btw). problem is, i'd have no place to protect them from the elements. i'm going to file an appeal on the requirements (add another $600 to the tab...).

    all this just to protect my 02's, that's dedication.

  6. gosh.....

    i wanted to play, but i just can't bring myself to voting for Billary. if i had to i'd go with obama, but only cuz i was pissed at what occurred during s.carolina primary.

    either way, if the dems prevail we can all expect an increase in capital gains tax and, believe it or not, that WILL impact the middle class.

    i'm now starting to think the the repubs may actually have a chance in november.

  7. let's see

    turn signal/wiper stalk configuration and appearance

    3-piece vs 2-piece dash

    seat belt warning sign vs no warning sign

    silver dollar guages vs all black guages

    bumpers and bottom trim as noted

    single barrel solex vs 2 barrel solex carb and assosiated air filter canister

    6 fuse vs 12 fuse

    3 lever heater fan vs 4 lever and integral lights

    dash knob appearance

    center console appearnce

    shifter boot appearance

    seat belts

    slight difference in tobacco vinyl with earlier issue containing minor black/grey striations

    wiring harness in engine bay is configured/routed differently

    additional bracket/support welded to the DS of firewall that supports emmision relays

    rear quarter glass latches

    that's all i can think of. gawd what an 02 nerd i must be.

  8. well, as suspected, my answer was sufficiently garbled as to be misleading.

    what i interpreted the question to be, was whether it was possible to use the Roundie-version mounts on a squaretail car or the Squaretail-version mounts on a roundie.

    my answer is yes. and i am unaware of any difference in geometry or bolt/stud sizes between the two body types wrt this area. i believe the rear subframes are identical and bolt hole placement is identical.

    it is required, as Bill stated, that the bolts be inserted into the mounts prior to fitment onto the subframe, but that's common to both p/n variants.

    if indeed i am mistaken then i humbly apologize and will crawl under my rock again.

  9. you can use either set.

    i *believe* the difference lies in the slight difference in the orientation of the rubber bushings within the metal sleave. it has no impact on alignment of the metal sleave, but rather takes into account the difference in bending angle during use.

    there, did i make that confusing/garbled enough?

    short answer - don't worry, use em, but be mindful of the left and right side.

  10. looks nice. better to spend more up front than later on down the road. seems like you have capitalized on PO's dropped project.

    if you have a little spare change burning a hole in your pocket, i'd look for black or blue/black door panels to swap out the tobacco set.

    then i'd spray the engine bay, or actually, i'd have left it original color. sell the seats to gin up a little money for a less drastic look.

    nice car. i'd love to drive a true 1600 someday.

  11. have you gotten under your car for a look-see?

    without any additional information, i'd want to know whether you're dealing with a rust issue or 'rust-free' example.

    check the condition of the rubber pads between the springs, mounting point under the rear quarter panel, shock tower, to name a few places.

  12. it's all about LOCATION and to a lessor extent, timing.

    here in the 02 mecca known as the SF Bay Area, such an item may command upwards of $100 for a rust-free, dent-free example, but typical examples fetch around $20-40, or in some instances, free.

    head east a state or two and the same item may command 2-3X the amount.

    if it's as good as you say and folks in your area have no other alternatives i suppose you could ask 60-70% of retail without having to avoid eye contact.

  13. san leandro color, on east 14th street. the youngish guy behind the counter is a good guy.

    JERRY YOUR THE MAN!! that couldnt be a sweeter deal it is no-BS like 2 or 3 blocks from my house i could swing by on my way home

    gosh, i wish my friend Portia would tell me that...

    i'm blushing.

  14. google: National Abrasives

    No.24 glass bead is fine for medium to light rust and is easier on your spray nozzle.

    aluminum oxide grit (220) is better for heavy rust and is quicker than glass bead, it's more aggressive and will.

    do NOT use either of these on shiny aluminum trim pieces, but you CAN use either on aluminum bits on the engine without problem.

    i blast steel parts at 60-80 psi with aluminum oxide

    and glass bead at 40-60 psi.

    use a vacuum cleaner to clear the air within the chamber

    Trinco is a maker of reasonably priced cabinets and filter systems. they are a supplier to Dayton and i bet Eastwood, too.

  15. google: National Abrasives

    No.24 glass bead is fine for medium to light rust and is easier on your spray nozzle.

    aluminum oxide grit (220) is better for heavy rust and is quicker than glass bead, it's more aggressive and will.

    do NOT use either of these on shiny aluminum trim pieces, but you CAN use either on aluminum bits on the engine without problem.

    i blast steel parts at 60-80 psi with aluminum oxide

    and glass bead at 40-60 psi.

    use a vacuum cleaner to clear the air within the chamber

    Trinco is a maker of reasonably priced cabinets and filter systems. they are a supplier to Dayton and i bet Eastwood, too.

  16. hold yer horses...

    me thinks completed eBay and Craigslist sales are more representative of the current values of 98% of available 02s.

    only the remaining 2% would command those figures, and that, of course, after the poor owner had likely spent considerably more attaining that level of perfection.

    choose your 'investments' carefully, for the rest of us, enjoy the 02s as CARS.

  17. hold yer horses...

    me thinks completed eBay and Craigslist sales are more representative of the current values of 98% of available 02s.

    only the remaining 2% would command those figures, and that, of course, after the poor owner had likely spent considerably more attaining that level of perfection.

    choose your 'investments' carefully, for the rest of us, enjoy the 02s as CARS.

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